Analysis by Protection country

Analyzing the actual protections

All analysis tools offer charts showing publication countries

This analysis carries a major drawback, leading to wrong interpretation. Indeed, non-publishing countries are totally overlooked, resulting in an incomplete coverage of a technology’s protection.

For example, France, the UK, Italy, Sweden, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands are almost never republishing the patents during EP regional phases. More recently, it looks like Germany is adopting the same trend.

Orbit Intelligence now offers a new and unique option to analyze by the countries which are currently protected by granted or pending patents. This new analysis field is called protection country.

When you use the new protection country analysis field you’ll see only the countries where the patent is currently alive. For EP patents you’ll see both the EP authority itself and also all of the countries which are currently covered by these particular EP patents which are being analyzed.

To access these new fields either select the “Market & competitors locations” chart from MyCharts menu or select the field directly from the settings menu.