Chinese legal status

More timely and detailed legal status data for CN patents

We are now loading Chinese legal status data directly from the source. This means:

Up to date legal status for all CN patents

Legal status data for all CN patents is now received and loaded weekly directly from the Chinese patent office. The legal status of over 1 million CN patents are being updated in our database because of this new legal status source. The impact is particularly important for patents which have lapsed due to lack of payment of fees this information is now available 3-6 months faster.

Improved accuracy for expected expiry dates for CN patents

The improved timeliness as well as the additional detail now received for each legal action has allowed us to greatly improve our expected expiry date calculation for CN patents.

Improved re-assignment data for CN patents

The coverage and timeliness of our CN re-assignment data has been greatly improved. See example below of a CN patent which has been re-assigned from Lenovo to Motorola.

This additional data means you get clearer idea of the ownership of the patent family today as well as improved assignee searched results.

More details on legal actions on the legal status tab for CN patents

Our legal status data now contains an additional 50 legal event codes as well as more detailed descriptions for each event.

For instance, we now often have much greater details for CN patents which have been licensed including:

Example showing detailed licensing data within the legal status tab for the CN patent CN1678095.

Example showing detailed licensing data within the legal status tab for the CN patent CN101444297.