Document Management and Comment in Orbit Asset

In the Document management feature you now find a centralized place to manage all documents, no matter their location within Orbit Asset.

From the document management feature, you are now able to link and retrieve correct documents to and from the case and family records, as well as perform document/file operations such as ‘download’, ‘download as Zip’, ‘thumbnail preview’, ‘filter by parameters’.

You can also categorize your documents and tag them in order to speed up your searches or structure your reports.

Finally, the document management feature helps you collaborate more efficiently, creating permissions to documents such as ‘Public’, ‘Private’ or ‘Custom’.

Comments – You can now add and view comments at family, case and case-section level. This allows you to add or reply to a comment, sort or filter them, as well as assign a comment to someone.

Logout button - From the new Asset platform you can now sign out in one click.