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New connection mode to Orbit

What is changing?

Questel will soon release a new administration module, named Orbit Admin. This new module will make it mandatory for Orbit Intelligence users to provide a valid Email + Password instead of the current Login + Password credentials.

loggin Orbit

Orbit Admin is a module allowing Orbit account administrators to define and manage Users and Groups, rights and default preferences, access to folders, User defined fields and their access, the ability to add, modify and delete content in Workfiles, and a lot more.

What are the advantages?

Thanks to the new connection mode, Orbit Users will benefit from:

A single email credential to access other Orbit interfaces. Until now, credentials were different from one tool to the other.

Increased security and productivity gains. Whenever an individual leaves a company, such individual’s access should be revoked with no delay to prevent confidentiality issues. Orbit Admin provides the ability to revoke a user immediately.

The new email + password connection mode to Orbit will prevent the burden of having to associate individuals with their respective logins, especially when there are tens, hundreds or thousands of users in the company. Individuals can be found right away and their access revoked immediately.

Faster and safer communication. A validated email address may be used as a second authentication factor, or a way to be alerted of possible specific issues or receive a confirmation when a password has been changed, for example.

Greater User experience. Soon, long tasks requested on Orbit Intelligence will be handled asynchronously, thus allowing users to keep using the system while such tasks are being processed in the background. Examples of such tasks can be: exports of large volumes, large topographic maps, large saved analysis, large evaluation studies…
As a consequence, an email will be sent to Users informing them when such tasks have been processed and are ready to review. A valid email address is therefore necessary to make this new feature ready to be applied.

Further customization. Many options allow users to customize their use of Orbit Intelligence: Preferred interface, preferred search assistant, number of hits per page, preferred way to display results…
Orbit account administrators will thus be able to set such options by groups of users thanks to the Orbit Admin module.

Soon, other Orbit interfaces will be customizable from Orbit Admin.

Independence. Today, a user has to contact Questel to issue a new password. Depending on the time zone, this can take several hours before he is able to connect again to Orbit.
Email + Password connection will enable users to reset their password themselves and connect to Orbit right away.

How does Questel guarantee the confidentiality of my email?

Questel will treat the email addresses as strictly confidential information.

Email addresses will never be communicated to any third party under any circumstances.

Strict European privacy laws apply, which are much stricter than other laws on the matter elsewhere.

When will the change occur?

Soon, when you connect to Orbit Intelligence, you will see a message asking you to provide a valid email address. Once provided, this email will become your credential.

Should you wish to postpone this phase you will be offered such an option. However, be aware that eventually, you will have to communicate and use such email address as a credential, and the option to postpone will disappear.

Once the new Orbit Admin module is released, in October 2017, your email will be required to access and manage your account, Users, rights, etc.

Who can I contact for more information?

Questel’s HelpDesk staff is available to answer questions at the usual contact details below.

Europe Email +8000 783 78 35

America Email +800 456 7248

Asia Email +86 400 080 1105