User Management & Additional registers in Orbit Trademark

Users Management

In the Setting module, available from the user’s picture icon, you can find the Users tab. Two groups of users can be found:

In the Users tab various information can be seen at a glance:

Administrator rights

Administrators can create users that are solely allowed to conduct opinions (unlimited creation number). It allows for efficient collaboration between companies and their associated law firms, helping the latter to provide an opinion to the former on a search previously conducted, saved and assigned by an internal user.

An Administrator can:

Username, Password and Email are mandatory fields, while non-mandatory fields include ‘country’, ‘company’ and ‘comment’ about the user.

Sharing a saved search

An internal user can share a saved search with other users, internal or external (to conduct opinions).

When sharing the search, the user can assign a deadline (delivery date) and enter a comment. The other user is notified via email that a search has been shared with him and can go load the search to work on it (will be available soon).

51 New Trademark registers

The following 51 registers have been added to the collection of Orbit Trademarks.