US Reasons for Rejection

Spotting key blocking patents cited by USPTO Examiners

Carved out of US file wrappers, reasons for rejection are key information given by US examiners. Now readily available in the citation tab, you will find publications cited as a reason for rejection. Furthermore, the citation will be associated with its rejection type.

Rejection type can be any of the following:

These US reasons for rejection will come to enrich analyses of examiners’ citations especially when reviewed alongside EPO Examiner citation categories (X, Y, A, etc.) also present in the citation tab.

Legal Status

If you wish to dive deeper into reasons for rejection, the legal status tab will display even more information, including the Rejection Date (RJD), rejected claims number, rejected citation (RJCT) and an indication as whether the Examiner’s decision is final or non-final (RJST).

Legal status will also display a second level of rejection type all listed below.

All definitions above have been simplified for readability purposes, detailed descriptions can be found on the USPTO website.


Citation search

Interested in retrieving documents with reason for rejection? Simply search for CAT/CTN=102 or CAT/CTN=103 or CAT/CTN=DBL and retrieve corresponding documents. For example, if you wish to retrieve documents rejected for obviousness in both Europe and US, simply type CAT/CTN=103 AND CAT/CTN=Y.

Orbit Intelligence already provides all of the following EPO citation categories: X, Y, A, O, P, T, E, D, L. Not familiar with EU rejection codes? We invite you to read this simplified PDF written by the EPO or go into the full details here.


Legal Status search

To go further, you can search in the legal status. This level of search provides the additional categories that do not cite any other documents (101, 112…) as well as whether it is a Non-Final (NF) or Final Rejection (FR).

You can search for any of the following codes: 101NF, 102NF, 103NF, 112NF, 121NF, 101FR, 102FR, 103FR, 112FR, 121NF, DBLNF, DBLFR, 101ALCNF, 101ALCFR, 101MMNF, 101MMFR

DBL stands for double patenting, ALC for Alice, MM for Myriad/Mayo.
