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- innosabi Tech
tech knowledge management
For a Better Sharing of Your Company’s Technological Knowledge
innosabi Tech offers you a collaborative knowledge management solution available to all your collaborators to simply and effectively centralize and manage all the technological knowledge.
Why Should You Use Knowledge Management Solution innosabi Tech?
A Saas hosted in France, certified by several audits from our clients and GDPR compliant.
Intuitive software, ready to use without training and available on all your devices (responsive design and mobile app).
A dedicated team that guides you from framing to implementation and keeps on helping you with all your uses!
An API library and the ability to connect to your major business tools and directories.
Centralized Knowledge
The knowledge to build tomorrow’s solutions and remain competitive is often scattered among various IT tools (Excel, Sharepoint, etc.) or simply flowing around in the minds of your employees without any formalized knowledge management solution to structure and share it.
Innovation Portfolio
Keeping track of ongoing innovation projects and their results with knowledge management solution innosabi Tech allows you to efficiently manage your innovation portfolio, technology assets and implementation processes.
Success Stories
Once all your technological projects are centralized in your knowledge management solution, it might be time to put them forward and share them with the world.
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