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(Re-)Focusing Your Innovation Program in Turbulent Times
When it becomes increasingly difficult to plan ahead and foresee market developments, most companies tend to rely on maintaining the status-quo. But instead of putting your innovation programs on hold, we believe that you should (re-)focus them and utilize them to solve specific shortcomings or challenges that your company is facing. And in case you don’t have a structured corporate innovation program yet: There’s much to gain from starting now!
Of course, that’s easier said than done. It all comes down to picking or emphasizing the right methods and tools that can deliver the type of impact you really need. Especially when you already have a number of interconnected initiatives in place that are all geared towards delivering some form of final, marketable product, it can be very helpful to take a step back and look at them individually again.
Are their strengths fully utilized? Do they produce something that’s actually needed at their respective stages of the innovation process? Does their output get used efficiently? Questions like these are essential to monitor and continuously improve your innovation program.
That’s why we have written our five-step guide to focusing on starting your innovation efforts. It describes the process we go through with all of our clients to help them better understand their challenges and available solutions.
It’s a great read for everyone looking to re-focus their innovation program and emphasize immediate impact in tumultuous times like these. And, obviously, it’s also a great starting point for anyone tasked with structuring and implementing corporate innovation from the ground up!